Pupil Services
The Pupil Services Department is your resource for special education needs. The Oberlin City School District is committed to identifying, locating and evaluating all children from birth to age 21 who may have a disability. Special education and related services are provided to eligible students with a disability, ages three through twenty-one years, when that disability has an adverse effect on educational performance.
OCSD works closely with families, agencies and staff to determine appropriate services and support for all students with disabilities. We offer a continuum of services for students with special needs and students are serviced within the least restrictive environment. This means that regardless of the student’s disability, students are educated in the environment that is best-suited or adapted to meet the individual’s needs. They are included in the regular classroom with their typical peers as determined by their Individualized Education Program designed to meet their unique educational needs.
Parents/Guardians meet with appropriate OCSD staff to determine annual educational goals and an educational plan, including necessary accommodations and services. OCSD values the team decision-making process in regard to special education identification and placement. This is achieved through collaboration between families, teachers, students and administration.
Administrative Assistant
Megan Coffaro
Roadmap For Special Education Evaluation
Parent's Guide To Early Entrance To Kindergarten
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Oberlin City Schools English Learners Program Manual
Guide to Parents Rights - English
Guide to Parents Rights - Spanish
What to do if you think a child may have a disability
Council for Exceptional Children
Birth - Age 5 Resources
Preschool Special Education: Available when child turns 3.
Please contact 440-776-4656
OberlinKids - Call or Text 440-371-0113
Counseling Resources Available in Oberlin City Schools
Applewood - 440-324-1300
Family Alliance Counseling LLC - 440-787-5355
Community Resources:
LCADA Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services - 440-989-4900
Oberlin Community Services - 440-774-6579
Lorain County Board of Mental Health
Mental Health Crisis Hotline 800-888-6161 or text 4hope to 741741
Non-Emergency Mental Health Services - 440-240-7025
Records Request
District Records Officer
Robert Rinehart - rrinehart@flexecompany.com
Custodian of Records - OES
Meisha Baker - mbaker@flexecompany.com
Custodian of Records - LMS
Sheila Hicks - shicks@flexecompany.com
Custodian of Records - OHS
Brent Betts - bbetts@flexecompany.com
(440)776- 4600
Child Find
The Oberlin City School District conducts Child Find activities in an effort to identify, locate and evaluate all children, birth through 21, who may have disabilities living within the Oberlin City School District. A child with a disability is defined as a student having a cognitive disability (mental retardation), a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, another health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple-disabilities.
The Oberlin City School District is asking for your assistance with this important effort. When children are school-age (grades K-12), the district works to identify and evaluate these students so they can receive special education and related services. However, when children are of preschool age or younger, they often go unidentified because parents may not be aware of possible programs and services available for their child. Services are provided without charge to families who live in the school district. The purpose of Child Find is to identify children who are having difficulty in their development and to provide services to them, when it is appropriate.
Please help us in our effort to serve those children who may be in need as early as possible. If you know of a child who may have one of the disabilities listed and is not currently in school or receiving services, please contact Susan Alig, Director of Pupil Services at salig@flexecompany.com or call 440-776-4656.